Peter Funch
Las Vegas - Made by Man
09. 08. 2003 - 31. 08. 2003
Text on its way
Curriculum vitae

Peter Funch - mail@peterfunch.com - www.peterfunch.com

2003 Student at the 10th annual ?World Press Photo Joob Swart masterclass?
2003 Represented by Blinkproduction.com in Denmark
2003 Contributers to FAILE project Lavendar
2003 Finalist at SXSW web awards
2003 Nominee guldkorn by Creative circle. Best commercial photocampaign for the AIDS foundet
2003 Solo exhibition at V1 gallery with the project “Las Vegas - Made by man”. Pictures from Las Vegas
2002 Co founder of the V1 gallery based in Copenhagen, www.v-1.dk
2002 1st prize from Danish school of Journalism with the portraits from World Trade Center, Sept. 2001
2002 1st prize. Best in open Class in Danish pressphoto of the year with the portraits from World Trade Center, Sept. 2001
2001 Joined the group exhibition “On Contempo” in Kunsthallen in Copenhagen, followed in Zinq Gallery in Stockholm
2001 Joined the group exhibition EinZweiDrei.com in Fotografisk Center in Copenhagen with the project “Crossin Red Town”
2001 “Crossing Red Town” presented at the Arles photofestival in France and was continued at Galereie d´Essai in Paris
2001 Joined stockagency Photonica
2000 1st prize in best photojournalistproject of the year from The Danish school
of journalism
2000 Graduated from The Danish school of Journalism as a Photojournalist,
2000 Awarded in open class for the project “Crossing red Town” in pressphoto of the year.
1999 Released the book “Et andet sted hen” for HT (hovedstadens trafikselskab) with Uffe Larsen as text writer
1999 Summer lived in New York. Started the project Crossing Red Town ? Pictures from Chinatown, New York.
1999 1st prize. Best daily picture in Danish pressphoto of the year
1998 Finished a 2 year practical experience at Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten as part of the education
1995 Started The Danish school of journalism photojournalist
1994 Finished half year
education in a photographic
school in Aarhus
1993 Finished Highschool
1974 Born in Nykobing Falster, Denmark the 30th of January

Grandagarđur 20 - 101 Reykjavík kob@this.is